Microsoft Windows 8.0 Download

July 26, 2011

Microsoft Windows 8.0 Download

This is 
Windows popularity or people are looking for totally new OS which can changes the way we use computer today. Windows 7 is still in RC and final release is little far from now but people are searching for Windows download it can look like a joke but why people so curious about Windows 8.
There are lots of rumors started for Windows 8 like some are saying it will be whole new OS it can be cloud-based.
There are rumors with the codename of Windows 8 which will be called “Midori”.
There is news that Microsoft has started planning for Windows 8 and started to hire some new developers for Windows 8. The release of Windows 8 can be in 2011 or 2012.

Sorry there is no download for Windows 8 for now as it is not yet build. Mean while you can have a look of Windows 8 Concept Video.
Post Revised on April 14, 2011
After a long time I am revising this post. I have written this post on June 22, 2009 at that time very limited news was available on Windows 8 only some Concept Videos was available. Now it is confirmed Windows 8 is under development and many screenshots are leaked for Windows 8.
Windows 8 Screenshot
Recently Windows 8 Build 7850 is leaked and available to download. This is not a legal download so far but on some torrent websites this leak is available to download.
You can download these BT Torrents from:

I am not sure about the authenticity of these link and nor I have downloaded this torrent. Pleasedownload this on your own risk. I will try to update this post as we get any new information on Microsoft Windows 8.

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