February 23, 2016


HP Data Protector - Frequently asked Questions. Find some below most repeted interview questions as a starter of HP Data protector Interview Questions Sets. This will be a Set 1 as we add more pages with many more Interview questions as soon as possible,

Check Here for more upcoming Interview Questions on - HP Data protector X.X

Find the Answers below for each question at the end of this page.

Question: 1 To use the same device with different media pools, what must be created?

A. a new media agent 
B. media rotation policies 
C. a media specification 
D. backup specification

Question: 2 Which input parameters are common for all Data Protector notifications? Select THREE.

A. Name 
B. Session ID 
C. Device 
D. Message Level 
E. Trap number 
F. Send Method

Question: 3 What is the full path to the Data Protector Web reporting Java applet on a UNIX Client?

A. /opt/omni/java/sbin/WbReporting.html 
B. /opt/omni/java/bin/WebReporting.html 
C. /etc/opt/omni/java/sbin/WebReporting.html 
D. /opt/omni/bin/java/WebReporting.htm

Question: 4 Data Protector provides an event driven notification system. Which notification methods are available? Select TWO.

A. filter 
B. paging 
C. store to database 
D. broadcast 
E. email

Question: 5 What should you verify if the command "omnidbutil -merge mmdb CellServer3" fails?

A. that you have run the "omnidbutil -merge mmdb" command on CellServer3 
B. that you have configured centralized licensing before you merge 
C. that you have exclusive access to the database on CellServer3 
D. that no other cell can communicate with the MoM cell server

Question: 6 
Which Data Protector GUI context allows the supervision and administration of currently running backup and restore sessions?

A. Notify 
B. Reporting 
C. View 
D. Monitor

Question: 7 What is the minimum number of obsolete filenames that must exist on a Data Protector client to initiate purging from the internal database?

A. 500,000 
B. 200,000 
C. 1,000,000 
D. 100,000

Question: 8 When using the Restore from Media option, which configuration guideline should you consider regarding the required memory?

A. number_of_files multiplied by 200 bytes 
B. number_of_files multiplied by 100 bytes 
C. number_of_directories multiplied by 200 bytes 
D. number_of_directories multiplied by 100 bytes

Question: 9 What can Data Protector use to generate the media label during media initialization?

A. media type 
B. serial number of the drive used for initialization 
C. barcode label of the media 
D. unique number issued by the internal database

Question: 10 What are the advantages of split-mirror backups when instant recovery is enabled compared to standard backups? Select THREE.

A. minimal impact on applications during backup 
B. tapeless backup capability 
C. more efficient restore from a session 
D. serverless backup 
E. higher space efficiency due to using block level maps

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Find the Answers :

Question 1: Answer: D
Question 2: Answer: A, D, F
Question 3: Answer: B
Question 4: Answer: D, E
Question 5: Answer: C
Question 6: Answer: D
Question 7: Answer: C
Question 8: Answer: A
Question 9: Answer: C
Question 10: Answer: A, B, C

Check Here for more upcoming Interview Questions on - HP Data protector X.X

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