April 05, 2011

1. First create a bootable logical volume disk. 

2. Mirror the root logical volume to new disk: 
#lvextend –m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol1 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 

3. Mirror the Primary Swap area: 
Lvextend –m 1 /dev/vg00/prswaplv /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 

4. Verify the LVM was updated: 
#lvlnboot –v 


Mirrors are created and broken from an lvol level. Remember this. If you want to break the mirror for /dev/vg00/lvol1 which may be mounted at / do the following: 

#lvsplit /dev/vg00/lvol1      
This will by default create a
new, unmounted lvol called lvol1b. You could also do the following: 

#lvsplit –s backup /dev/vg00/lvol1    
This does the same, but names it lvol1backup  
Mount the new lvol to what ever you want, and back it up. 


After you are finished, you must remirror and sync with existing and new data created on The active mirror.  Use this command (using the lvol1b from example above): 
#lvmerge /dev/vg00/lvolb /dev/vg00/lvol1 


1. You must first remove the association between each lvol associated with the drive. Use the following command to view the current mirrored lvol’s: 
#lvlnboot –v 

2. Break the mirror and remove the pv/lvol association for each lvol. 
This example removes PV /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 from /dev/vg00/lvol2, and lvol3. Assuming that there was only 1 other disk in the mirror set: 

#lvreduce –m 0 /dev/vg00/lvol2 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0
#lvreduce –m 0 /dev/vg00/lvol3 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 
Network management - HPUX

Network management - HPUX

April 04, 2011

Network management - HPUX

To display the network interface cards and status
# lanscan  Hardware Station        Crd  Hdw   Net-Interface    NM   MAC       HP-DLPI DLPI  Path     Address        In#  State NamePPA          ID   Type      Support Mjr#  0/0/0/0  0x00306E1CC281 0    UP    lan0 snap0       1    ETHER       Yes   119  1/12/0/0 0x00306E210F32 3    UP    lan3 snap3       2    ETHER       Yes   119 
To configure the NIC cards such as speed, MTU, etc..
# lanadmin (it is a interactive tool) 
To find out the speed of duplex setting of lan0
# lanadmin -x 0  Speed = 1000 Full-Duplex.  Autonegotiation = On. 
To list all the configured interfaces and IP addresses
# netstat -in 
To force HP-UX to use specific interface card
# traceroute -i lan2  
HP-UX stores network interface configuration information on /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file
# cat /etc/rc.config.d/netconf  HOSTNAME="it-hp49"  OPERATING_SYSTEM=HP-UX  LOOPBACK_ADDRESS=  INTERFACE_NAME[0]="lan0"  IP_ADDRESS[0]=""  SUBNET_MASK[0]="0xffffff00"  BROADCAST_ADDRESS[0]=""  INTERFACE_STATE[0]=""  DHCP_ENABLE[0]=0   ROUTE_DESTINATION[0]="default"  ROUTE_MASK[0]=""  ROUTE_GATEWAY[0]=""  ROUTE_COUNT[0]="1"  ROUTE_ARGS[0]="" 
To add a alias address to lan0, add the network information to /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file
Restart the network service
/sbin/init.d/net start 
Network Tracing and Logging
The nettl command is a tool used to capture network events or packets. 
Initialize the tracing/logging facility:
# nettl -start 
Display the status of the tracing/logging facility.
# nettl -status all 

nwmgr (Network Interface Management)

The nwmgr program is the unified command to administer all HP-UX LAN and RDMA interfaces. This command can be used to:
  • Display information of an interface
  • Modify settings of an interface
  • Reset the interface or its statistics
  • Diagnose link connectivity
  • Create and set configuration information for a component simultaneously
  • Delete or erase components
# nwmgr   Name/          Interface Station          Sub-   Interface      Related ClassInstance  State     Address        system   Type           Interface ============== ========= ============== ======== ============== ========= lan2           DOWN      0x001A4B096828 iether   1000Base-T lan0           UP        0x001A4B097F9A iether   1000Base-T lan1           DOWN      0x001A4B097F9B iether   1000Base-T 
# nwmgr --help -S all  # lists all the subsystems  # nwmgr --help -S subsystem # display subsystem specific usage 
To View Interface attributes
# nwmgr  -A all -c lan0 lan0 current values:    Link State = Up    Speed = 1 Gbps Full Duplex (Autonegotiation : On)    MTU = 1500    MAC Address = 0x001a4b097f9a    Receive Flow Control = On    Transmit Checksum Offload = Off    Receive Checksum Offload = Off    Virtual MTU = 0       TCP Segmentation Offload is now disabled.    Max Send Buffers = 1    Max Send Coalesce Ticks = 150    Max Recv Buffers = 1    Max Recv Coalesce Ticks = 0    Interrupt Throttle Mode = -1    Diagnostics Threshold = 0    512byte transmit buffer size limit = 0
To get interface statistics for interface lan0
# nwmgr --st all -c lan0 
To View interface details
# nwmgr -q info -c lan0 
To get interface vital product data
# nwmgr -q vpd -c lan0 
To set interface attributes
# nwmgr -s -A attr1-value, attr2=value ... -c lan0 
Reset statistics for an interface
# nwmgr -r --st -c lan 
Some nwmgr Syntax and their Equivalent lanadmin and linkloop Syntax are given bellow
nwmgr -S vlan
lanadmin -V scan nwmgr -c lan5000
lanadmin -V info 5000 nwmgr -a -S vlan -A vlanid=10, ppa=1
lanadmin -V create vlanid 10 1 nwmgr -s -c lan5000 -A vlanid=20
lanadmin -V modify vlanid 20 5000 nwmgr -d -c lan5000
lanadmin -V delete 5000 nwmgr --cra -c lan5000
lanadmin -p 5000 nwmgr --diag -c lan5000 -A dest=0xaabbccddeeff linkloop -i 5000 0xaabbccddeeff

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HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 12

HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 12

March 07, 2011

Users Administration
Creating Users
  • sam --> user and group accounts
  • useradd -g users -d Username
Creating Groups
sam --> user and group accounts
groupadd Groupname
Useful Commands
or \
file *
Show file types, such as "ascii".
find -name -print
Finds a file in the OS at the starting path on down
Shows groups for a user
Displays kernel tunable parameters
listusers -g
Lists the users in a group
ln -s
Creates a symbolic link to a file or a directory
pr -o10 -l64 -F -h

| lp
prints using margins of 10, page length of 64, header on each page
rcp remote_machine:
remote copy
opens a remote command shell on the host machine
remote login to host machine
Change host name (/etc/set_parms)
tail -f
Looks at end of file and keeps it open to watch changes
realtime display of processes
uname -a
information about the system
print $(uname -i)16op|dc
prints hex system id
who -u, who -Rm
who is using the system

Process to recover from a lost/forgotten root password
1.     Power off the server
2.     Power on the server
3.     Interupt the boot process during the 10 second interval (display will indicate this on the screen)
4.     bo pri
5.     Answer yes to interact with the ipl
6.     At the prompt "hpux -is" for single user mode
7.     cd /sbin
8.     passwd root  and  follow prompts to put in new password
9.     shutdown -r 0  to reboot to multiuser mode

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HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 11

HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 11

March 07, 2011

Starting an X-Window application from telnet

start an X-Window server on the PC, such as exceed
export DISPLAY=W.X.Y.Z:0.0     <---W.X.Y.Z is the IP Address of the PC
/opt/ignite/bin/ignite                          <---Now just run the program

Configuring an HP 700/96 Terminal for a server connection:
  • Terminal Ports
    • Port 1 
      • Datacommunications
      • 25 Pin - use this to connect to the N class server with a 25 pin to 9 pin cable
    • Port 2 - used to connect to an external peripheral
      • Parallel
      • 25 Pin
    • Port 3
      • Datacommunications
      • 9 Pin - use this port to connect to the A class server with a 9 pin to 25 pin cable
  • Terminal Configuration Settings
    • Press User/System function key
      • modes
        • Remote Mode must have an asterisk in it's box (indicating it is selected)
      • config keys
        • datacomm config
          • baud rate 9600
          • parity:  none/8
          • xon/xoff
        • terminal config
          • serial (2)/parallel(1) - 25 pin console port
          • serial (1)/parallel(1) - 9 pin console port
          • Term ID - vt100
          • Term Mode - em100
        • ansi config
          • em100
          • backspace/del

Page 12
Page 10

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HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 10

HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 10

March 07, 2011

Command Script to print useful information to a file called info
echo "sel path system; info; wait; infolog
#cat info

print_manifest  (located in /var/opt/ignite/local/manifest/manifestinfo ??)

Command Script to print useful information

Command Script to print useful information  (not sure this is complete/correct)
cstm>SelClass type "Disk" qualifier "All"
cstm>create /tmp/disk.stm

cstm -f /tmp/disk.stm
Terminal Environment
TERM - environmental variable indicating type of terminal


setup string for xterm:  /usr/bin/X11 -ls -d @D


$TERM = xterm

stty -all

Running Exceed  --> xstart
  • Rightl Click  --> Huge

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