· Warning messages when total size of mailbox is approaching the maximum allowed. The message will look like this:
You are exceeding the size limit set on your mailbox by the system administrator.
Your mailbox size limit is 92460 Kbytes
You are currently exceeding this limit by 11453 Kbytes
You may not be able to send new mail until you reduce your mailbox size. To free up space, delete any items that you are no longer using or move them to your Personal Folders. Items in all of your mailbox folders including the Deleted Items and Sent Items folders count against your size limit. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed.
· Rejection message from “system admin” when trying to send a message if the mailbox size exceeds the preset limits.
· Rejection message from “system admin” if the message is too large.
· When a user exceeds the Mailbox size limit, they will still be able to receive messages, but will not be able to send new messages until they remove some of the material from their mailbox.