Hp-Ux configure Sendmail

April 13, 2011

Sendmail is very often a security risk. Therefore it is very important that you be running the newest version or at least a fully patched version. Also since most machines only need to send out mail to a relay host, many of sendmail functionalities can be disabled. You can download the latest version of sendmail forhttp://www.sendmail.org.
  1. ____ replace the existing /etc/mail/sendmail.cf [14] with the following
# Minimal client sendmail.cf
### Define macros
# define the mail hub – Put hostname for local site here.
# define version
# my name for error messages
# UNIX initial From header format
DlFrom $g $d
# delimiter (operator) characters (old $o macro)
#From of the sender’s address
# queue directory
### Mailer Delivery Agents
#Mailer to forward mail to the hub machine
Mhub, P=[IPC], S=0, R=0, F=mDFMuCX, A=IPC $h
#Sendmail requires these, but they are not used
Mlocal, P=/dev/null, F=rlsDFMmnuP, S=0, R=0,A=/dev/null
Mprog, P=/dev/null, F=lsDFMeuP, S=0, R=0 A=dev/null
### Rule sets
R@S+ $ #error $: Missing user
R$+ $ #hub $@$R $:$1 forward to hub
R$*<>$* $n handle <> error address
R$*<$$*>$* $2 basic RFC822 parsing
Since you have removed sendmail from the startup scripts you should schedule a cronjob to run sendmail every hour so any mail can be processed.
  1. ____ crontab -e
  2. ____ add the following lines
## run send mail once an hour
* 0 0 0 0 /usr/sbin/sendmail –q

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