Hp-Ux Remaining Network Services

April 13, 2011

Remaining Network Services
If the machine is to be a DNS client then you’ll need to define the domain and it’s name server(s). You will have to configure which sources the resolver will use and in which order. You should configure so that the host file is checked first then DNS.
  1. ____ /usr/bin/touch /etc/resolv.conf
  2. ____ /usr/bin/echo "domain " > /etc/resolv.conf
  3. ____ /usr/bin/echo "nameserver " >> /etc/resolv.conf
  4. ____ /usr/bin/chown root:root /etc/resolv.conf
  5. ____ /usr/bin/chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf
  6. ____ /usr/bin/cp /etc/nsswitch.files /etc/nsswitch.conf
  7. ____ /usr/bin/vi /etc/nsswitch.files 
    modify the hosts entry from hosts:files to hosts:files [NOTFOUND=continue] dns
  8. ____ /usr/bin/chown root:root /etc/nsswitch.conf
  9. ____ /usr/bin/chmod 644 /etc/nsswitch.conf

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