Hp-Ux LSOF software

April 13, 2011

This utility is used to list files, sockets, etc opened by processes. It also gives a large amount of other related information that can select by process ID, username or filename.
  1. ____ Download 32 bit version of the software from HP-UX Software porting site,http://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/Sysadmin/lsof-4.55/
  2. ____ /usr/contrib/bin/gunzip lsof-4.51-sd-11.00.depot.gz
  3. ____ /usr/sbin/swinstall -s lsof-4.51-sd-11.00.depot \*
  1. ____ The 64 bit version binaries can be found atftp://vic.cc.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/binaries/hpux/B.11.00/64/9000_800/
  2. ____ /usr/contrib/bin/gunzip lsof_4.55.gz
  3. ____ /usr/bin/mv lsof_455 to /opt/lsof/bin

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